~"~The Chong Boon Gang~"~
Eversince the day we parted, I always hope for another gatherings, soon. But this soon finally came after 3 years. Yes. The Chong Boon Gang are back. The 4E2s. We finally decide to have a gathering because everyone has graduated, mostly, which means we are free now, and the guys are going to work for the government soon. Conincidentally, two of our friends have their bird day the following day, so this gathering is sort of a farewell party, as well as a pre-bird-day celebrations.
Because some of them kb that go marina eat steamboat too far, and I don't mind of cos because I just had it on friday, so all of us compromise to the idea of going bugis for Swensen.
There were 14 of us, chatting like birds, laughing, photoing, gossippings and talkings about the happenings in school during our days. The atmosphere was good, for such a big gatherings. So, we bought a small Hagen Daz for that two bird to celebrate their bird day at Espanade. Again, we rot there to chat, see outdoor performance. Perhaps, maybe, we will organise another gatherings at one of their house for some catching up.
Farewell to all those going NS, Happy Bird-day to all those having bird-day the following day. Hope we will meet again. Farewell, Chong Booneers.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~The Day We Give Pei Pei Away~"~
Finally, the day everyone waited anxiously has arrived. After a night of brainstorming and the hardship of preparing the things needed for morning activities. *Evil Laughs* We thought we will have a minute or two to close our eye lits, but we didn't. What to do? Last minute work wad~
7.15am - Here comes our sista Kiat, sista ML, sista Risk and our 1st-time cameraman Mr Ronald. *Clap clap* I quickly brief them the rules and procedures while JP was dolling up. I think I shouldn't wear that skirt. The string keep coming off and cause the skirt to slip off. ML and Kiat insist to pull me to the toilet for adjustment. I waited, while they adjust my skirt to the way they feel comfortable with. Up and down, up and down they adjust, sometimes nearly expose my inner-clothing to them. And this adjustment spent 20 minutes of standing in the crampy little toilet with 4 hands touching me! (No matter what, thanks to ML and Kiat)
8.45am - The Bridegroom brings his brother gang arrived at Bride's doorstep.
"Kai men hao bu hao~"
"BU HAO!!!"
Everything went smoothly until 9.15am. I was busy like shit, carrying the glasses with different juices and wash and delivery and back and wash and delivery for the whole event while the sistas carry on with the activities. The Bridegroom drinks with milk bottle while the rest with glasses. The bridegroom guai guai drank everything given to him infront of the camera but the brothars pour everything on the neighbours' plants. But the special weapon was too strong for them, they don't take stout, but we won't let them off so easily. In the end, two brothars helped the bridegroom drank it. *Evil Laughs*
After the cutting pork meat ceremony finished, we came to the Bridegroom's house for Tea Ceremony. To see JP had her neck surrounded by dozens of golds and silvers like those indian bride. We took a rest, joked, dried swim, take photos etc etc etc. Finally, we went back again to the bride's house for another Tea Ceremony before everything ends. I was damn famished like hell, rushed to the kitchen for food. All the sistas went home for a rest while the couple went back to hotel and prepare for tonight's special moments.
7.15pm - Everyone was formally dressed. Sista ML looked especially gorgeous tonight, with her semi-low-cut-front black dress with a shawl. Woohoo! Good figure sia~ *Saliva drips*. After all, it was the first time I saw the wedding album. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L is all I can describe. Beautiful like a fairy lady. Mm~ mm~~
8.10pm - The dinner starts. We chat and joke and suan each other. Can't imagine if we didn't have RonCai the Joker of Jokers at our table, it'll turn dull I suppose. I shared some white wine with Little Prince. Following next was the cake-cutting and the yam seng ceremony where the MC invites parents, relatives and friends for Yammm Sengggg!! Over there, I had a little too much drink, because they always say I cannot survive within three glasses, so I wanted to prove them wrong. But after the champane and some white wine, I can somehow feel the hot air flowing through my body whenever I laugh too hard. A minute or so, I found myself more sleepy, I'm not tired, I had those dunno-where-am-I feeling. Am I that lousy O_o?
10.30pm - The dinner ended. We have some photo taking session with our buddies.
`~Photos taken from the Splinter's Night till the end of Wedding Ceremony~`
Sincerely blessed my beloved sista JP and her hubby all the best and happy marriage. (We will all hope for your Man Yue Jiu SOON~)
Saturday, May 28, 2005
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~The Splinter's Night~"~
Friday, May 27, 2005
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~The Truth Is Always Unbearable~"~
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~PMS will ruin my day?~"~
Everyone has worries, no matter how big or how small. Worries will eventually lead to problems, or we can say worrying is equivalent to problems. Worries will lead to stress, and to de-stress, people tend to find solutions to problems. Since JP wedding is getting nearer, each and everyone will have worries about what to wear on that day, what should be the budget, how much should they put in the red packet, etc etc etc...As for us, our clothing problems has been settled, except that whether Little Prince would like to get a new pair of leather shoes. And so we decided to have a look at Toa Payo.Monday, May 23, 2005
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~Its all Bye-bye RingTone's fault!~"~
While I was trying to figure out the right way of making the card, JP message me that Kat wanted to meet us at town area on friday night. So, I called Kat to settle the matter, telling us where and when we actually decided to meet blah blah blah... Then, in the middle of the conversation, she asked me to call her bf's number because hers was having a low-batt status. SO, I called and I heard some music - Hmmph? Engaged? I pressed Flash and Redial button. The same music I heard again. Hmmph! Still engaged! So I repeat the pressing buttons step and again, the same music sounded. O_o? I was wondering why it engaged if she wants me to call at that moment? Upon curiosity, I called Kat phone again though I know her phone is having a low-batt session but she hanged up. So, I called her bf phone again, and this time before the line gets through, the light bulb in my brain suddenly works. Its the bye-bye ringtone la! So, I let it rings longer and true enough someone pick up. The most embarassed situation was when Kat told me that her bf ask whether she had a 'sua ku' friend before I can tell her that I realised my mistake. -_-"
I swear to hell I shall never call his phone again or I shall never make this mistake again. But, who ask him to use a bye-bye ringtone?
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~Stupid Cricket~"~
Its been quite some time since the last time I go Jin Men Hui Guan for some religion lesson. When I was young, mum will bring me and brother to that place for the so-called 'Kai Fa Hui'. As usual, I will fall asleep before lesson, during lesson, and after lesson. Not because the lesson they conduct is boring that cause me to doze off, is... I also don't know why, the naughty sleepy bug will be by my side whenever my butt start to stick on the chair. =P Today lesson was interesting. Interesting because the speaker had a LOUD voice. Secondly, he can joke in the lesson. Thirdly, he had a method of teaching that made us easy to absorb what he says. Normally, this kind of person attracts audience attention. Everyone laughs under his control - the way his speaks, the way he made people laughs, the way he made the lesson interesting, the way he delivers the contents, and the way he deliver his LOUD voice. But, sad to say, I still fall asleep. Perhaps, maybe, I was borned with this kind of abilities - Sleep during lessons. =P But I did absorb some of what he says. Like he went aboard with a group of buddhist followers to this place where devoted christians built this big church for 760 years! Wao! So BIG until you will give a damn 'WAO' when you lifted your head up and swing your head from left to right and right to left.
After lesson, I think it was still early, I went out with the group of friends that I have known in this 'Fo Tang' to Bugis for a drink. Again, we drink drink, chat chat, laugh laugh, walk walk, stroll stroll, see see, look look, and some window shopping. After the so-called drink drink, chat chat, laugh laugh, walk walk, stroll stroll, see see, look look, and some window shopping, I left the group for my grandpa house.
Yes. Today was Ah Gong's birthday. Today was also Little Prince's cousin's birthday. So many birthdays. So, he went for his birthday and I went for my birthday. When I reached there, they had already finished their dinner though they save some food for me. But there was no cake. Perhaps, maybe, we're celebrating in the house this time, else we would choose to eat outside. As usual, those three kids can't stop fooling and playing around in the house. The big one, ZL will make sure his butt is stick firmly to the chair and his eyes staring hard on his PC playing GunBound. What is so fun about that? I already got bored after a few weeks of that. The second one, XH will always laugh, or hang a smile on her face the whole day. She will pull me to play with her babie dolls, chat, or go downstairs for roller blading. This time, the moment I step in, I heard Cindy's Honey. She was playing her MTV this time, this song, which I have heard millions and billions of it in my office. I know she like it but can't she just stop playing for awhile? So, this songs continues to play from morning till night. Arghhhh~~~~~~ Then, not to mention, this third one, ZX, was another mischievious one. Recently they owned 2 hamsters. And the way I see how he treated them, my heart ached. Put them in a red box without any openings for sometimes. Put them in their play-tube, when one of them came up to the mouth of the opening, he placed this rubbery bouncy ball at the opening and strike it hard using his fingers. Or even worst, my dad saw him playing with it and keep dropping it on the floor, where there was once, the hamster was motionless for a moment. I even heard that they had already caused one to hell and this was the new one that his mum bought to accompany the other. Arghhhhh~~~~~~
At night, I find myself can't fall asleep because my house came an unwanted guest, 'Bu Shu Zhi Ke'. Wa Piang~ Got this stupid noisy cricket hidding somewhere in the toilet keep making chirping noises non-stop. Whenever I open the toilet lights, it stop chirping, and I simply just can't find its hidding place. So, I let it be, let it chirp, while I force myself to start a game with Zhou Gong.
Sigh~ Hmph! What a big headache!
Sunday, May 22, 2005
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~The Couples Outing~"~
As planned a week ago, the couples, Leong & Ray, Ling & Ed, Me & Little Prince, decided to have a dinner for the first time. It look rather awkward, for we have not been out with our bfs before, and we're sure the boys won't be the chatty birds. So, Ling said she prepared alot of Jokes & Riddles (Qian Bian Wen Da Ti) for them. But it turned that Ed was sick the day before - puked, as a results, Ling have to spend her weekend staying home while Ed in his own nest. Saded. Because without the presence of that two jokers, the dinner would be less fun, I supposed.Saturday, May 21, 2005
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~Printing isn't an easy job~"~
Friday, May 20, 2005
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~Things Around Us, Around Me II~"~
A sense of tiredness formed around my eyes. Was that because of work? No. Definitely not. Because we (ML, JP, KL, Little Prince and SaltedCoffee) have a small bitching session(phone conference) last night which last for 3 hours 15 minutes. Wao~ Really can't imagine that we the 'ladies' can bitch for so long. LOL Talking about JP's wedding, I haven't get to see her 3 photo albums and I'm the last one to see! Dammit! We made suggestions on having a striptease for JP, but that wouldn't be possible because we're chicken-hearted! In the end, we bitch about having next week's upcoming events - The Spinster Night. Because many of our gang members will not be able to make it on JP's wedding, we decided to hold a spinter dinner for everyone to join. Hai, don't even dare to think of the outcome actually, because normally what we organise, ended up only the 'organisers' turn up. Such a failure. LOL Anyway we have yet to inform everyone about the venu and time to gather, we shall see what's the ending. In our conversation, as usual, ML is always the 'suan to death' ones. The host will be someone(Little Prince) with free incoming calls, with the capabilities of shooting billions of questions at everyone. JP as usual will turn out to be the audience, the host will shoot alot at KL, bitching about her private life. Me? I will be the second audience but with some comments at the right timing (usually wrong frequency). Hehe. Mm~ Can't imagine ML looks on the wedding night. Because everyone was tired, because I still have to work the next morning, because KL have the habit of sleeping before twelve, because Little Prince have advance theory test tomorrow morning, we have to end the conversation. But before everyone go, the host still make sure that he heard everyone's good luck wishes before letting them go lala land.
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~The Things Around Us, Around Me~"~
Recently, mum just had my passbook updated. She showed me asking why and when did I spend a $504.05 on the 15th of May. O_o? A big big question mark formed in my head. I made a thorough verification on it and found that the transaction was made on the same day as I got my pay. It can't be! As I remembered clearly that I got my pay on the 30th of April instead of May. Furthermore, how the hell would I withdraw or spend such a lump sum of money? If I had withdraw it, how the hell would someone withdraw a figure with 4.05? That is definitely impossible. So I made another thorough research on it. There was a 3 letter alphabate 'CSL' beside the date of transaction. I flipped to the last page of the passbook and check on the meaning. It says 'Consolidated Amount for Unposted Transactions'. What the hell~ does it means? I 'm not sure what was it talking about so I asked my mum to consult the person-in-charge the next day. She came back with a list full of transactions between 2nd Apr to 14th May. Wa Piang~ Now I know what it means by CSL. Besides clearing of misunderstanding, I had this small small discovery made. I have spent 500 bucks for the past one and half month despite having my pay banked. That would be a spending that amount for 6 weeks/42 days and that will be $84.0083333333 per week. Wao! I think, I've made a loss. =PThursday, May 19, 2005
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~System broke down~"~
After 3 years of study, after staying healthy and maintaining my body condition for 3 years, after and after and after~ Just like a PC operating for 3 years when all the germs, bacteria, virus and diseases accumulated from the past 3 years and start to invade the system at one shot. Can you believe it when I tell you I curse myself to get sick so that I can take leave and it came true the next day? LOL Didn't know that my mouth can be so accurate, buy 4-D also won't strike LA(although I didn't buy)~ Actually I fall sick 2 days ago. But I went home and look a rest and I can feel my body recovered 90% so I thought I could save some doctors' fee. Unfortunately, it became worst after work yesterday and I thought I could celebrate with Little Prince. Sigh~ It turned out to be a bad day.
Today Meiling is making her trip to Thail, and the 4 gals gang plus Little Prince meet up for a small shopping. Actually I have the intension of seeing her off to the airport but I changed my mind because everyone seems reluctant, because I wasn't feeling well and because yesterday was the 11th. After their small shopping, Little Prince handed me 4 little presents wrapped by those brown-thick-rough wrappers from Ikea. Because I was named "Frog" by my whole bunch of monkeys-like poly classmates, anything that is related to frog and green-coloured items will be related to me. This was the present that I received:
+ + +
= (The super almighty Froggy combination)Thursday, May 12, 2005
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~First Day of Training~"~
Finally of all the hard work, everyone in the training team has been waiting for the training to start. Today is the first day day training. Everyone was busy conducting lessons in Latte room and PCC. While I stay in the office creating form templates.Monday, May 09, 2005
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~My Bird Day~"~
Eversince my 1st bird day to now, I never make any wishes during the cutting cake ceremony. Even if I do also just for show only haha. But today I made 3!But I suppose bird day wishes are meant for the bird day gal (me) to know only right?
First time in my life spending my bird day with my boyfriend. Though I still hope that my friends can celebrate with my together. Quite an eventful day indeed. But everytime before I blog anything, he always blogged earlier than me. So, all the things I wanted to say is already in his blog. LOL So, I think I just need to add on the event description.
Fistly, all the things he planned or the presents he bought is already under my expectations. Whahaha~ You wonder why? Because I hinted him ma! So, he felt no surprise when I told him the flavour of cake was green tea before I open it. Actually I always wanted to try the BreadTalk Green Tea flavour because it was nicely decorated and I have not tried before. Inside consists of some cream and red beans but I tasted not much of green tea flavour! Rather disappointed because I expect it to taste delicious. Little Prince looked cute when he sratch his head as I lied to him that he got the wrong pair design for my present. LOL. But what makes me curious was why he got me a 6 blue roses? O_o? I asked him and he only said "Liu Liu Da Shun". -_-
We went to PS for Kingdom of Heaven. It was a nice show but violence, bloody. I didn't know that Little Prince wanted to watch it so much. Little Prince "I like those Da da sa sa movies". But I just can't stop myself from starring over at the army where the smell of sweat keep mixing with the oxygen I breathe in. But I was thinking wouldn't it made the show more realistic when that smell came in at the right scene of the movie? -_-" LOL. Perhaps next time the movie industry would like to consider my idea of letting of smells in between the movies, be it flowers fragant, smell of rats or bloody smells of corpse. After movie, I made a mess of his business shirt that he had to go toilet and clean it. =P That was when I noticed there was a shop called "Made with Love" beside the gents. It was a shop that sell those materials for creating cards, scrapbooks etc. I was attracted to their scrapbooks, some of which thy made it for customers. They don't provide services to create scrapbooks for customers because the type of designs or colors they provide might not meet customers needs, hence, they encourage customers to build their own. Their scrapbooks are sort of photo albums that have different designs, cutting, colors, themes for different pages depend on the photo contents. I was so engrossed because I like to design and make cards, just that I don't have those materials I need. I know where to satisfy my needs.
The only event that I didn't guess correctly was the Jerry's restaurant at Jalan Kayu because I've never been to there. (Only for Roti Prata) Ended up having a 'meat' dinner that makes me feel like shitting after that. *Promise to upload those dishes picture when I found my camera -_-*
There you are, I found the camera:
~"~My smashed Tea Garden~"~
~"~Little Prince's Roasted Chicken~"~
~"~My Pork Ribs~"~
So I went home early to release my pain and waiting my brother to be back for another cutting-cake ceremony. Because I have celebrate with my Little Prince, because I was too engrossed in the Channel 8 movie, because my dad was not feeling well having a big flu and because my brother was not home until 11.50pm, and Because I think I suppose he just had a fight with his gf, because his face was so long and black, my cutting-cake ceremony ended up celebrating it with my mum only. Weird because my mum help me take photos while I cake the cake.
Nevermind, because I've my Little Prince celebrated with me =)
Saturday, May 07, 2005
SCL right__here.`waiting
~"~The Undergarments~"~
Thursday, May 05, 2005
SCL right__here.`waiting